
Payment Status

Last updated May 19th, 2022

Post Payment Authorisation

After a successful payment authorization, Mono will send the status and information about the payment via a postback and webhook (if you've set up a webhook) on your app.

successfulThis status means that the payment has been successful, and you can go ahead to give value to your users or customers.
pendingThe payment is pending as we would be awaiting action from the user to confirm the payment with their pin/token or OTP after a successful login.
failedThis status means that the payment has failed due to a bank failure, switch downtime, or Mono downtime.
cancelledThis status is returned when a customer closes the widget without completing the transaction.
processingThis status implies that you should wait, as the payment been made is currently in the process of being verified.
activeThis status implies that an authorised recurring payment is active.
abandonedThis implies that the payment session has been abandoned by your user.

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