
Receiving Payouts

Last updated Dec 18th, 2023

Receiving your payouts on DirectPay

To receive your payouts for every successful payment made via DirectPay, you will need to set up a settlement bank account so Mono can send your funds. Payout availability depends on factors such as the industry and country you’re operating in and the risks involved, but generally payouts happen the next day at 12 pm.

On your Mono dashboard, you can view a list of all of your payouts and the expected date to receive them in your bank account.

Adding your bank account information

Currently, we only support NGN payments so you can only add an NGN bank account for payouts. To add your bank account for payouts, follow the instructions below:

  • Log into the Mono dashboard, click "More" on the sidebar menu, and select "Settings".
  • On the settings page, navigate to "Manage settlements".
  • Then you can select "Add bank account" to add your settlement bank account.
  • Next, enter the details of the account you'd like to add (i.e Bank account Number and Bank) and click the "Continue" button.
  • Finally, on successful resolution, your account will show up in the Settlement Accounts section.

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