

Last updated May 19th, 2022

Information such as the average monthly income value, the estimated salary received by a user, the yearly salary, and the income sources count are part of the parameters that get returned on the Income endpoint.

Data returned from the Income Endpoint


This returns the mean of the user's monthly income. We compute for this using sum of income divided by durations.


This is the actual salary the user receives every month. Sometimes you will see multiple results which means the user has a recurrent or multiple streams of income.


This is the yearly estimated income of a user.

income sources

This calculates the number of income streams or sources in the user’s transactions. Some users might have two or more income source either from freelancing or family.

Response Object


  "average_income": 4500000,
  "monthly_income": 8600000,
  "yearly_income": 103200000,
  "income_sources": 0

Income Fields

average_incomeThe average monthly income of a customer.integer
monthly_incomeThe estimated monthly salary/income from the user's bank account.integer
yearly_incomeThe estimated yearly salary/income from the user's bank account.integer
income_sourcesThe number of income streams or sources from a user's transaction data.integer

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