
Income Guide

Last updated Jun 7th, 2024


Income v2 is a mono service that helps a partner understand a customer’s income by analyzing their bank account transactions. The API analyses the money coming into a customer’s bank account so as to give you a clear picture of their income. The API also allows you to know how much a user earns, where their money is coming from, and how stable their income is over time.

It also helps you get a detailed look at their income by analyzing the bank transactions, providing you with insights into their earnings, their sources, and their consistency.

Integration Steps

Kindly note that there are two endpoints under under the Income API, these are:

  1. Initiate Income Request: Starts the process of analysing existing transactions in a connected bank account in the backgorund to generate income analysis report.
  2. Retrieve Income Details: Retrieves the generated income records linked to a particular account.

Initiate Income Request

This endpoint initiates the process of analysing all transactions in a connected bank account in the backgorund to generate income analysis report.

To initiate the endpoint, send a GET request to the following endpoint:



Request Path Parameter

  • id (required): This field expects the id of a connected bank account linked from mono connect

Request Query Parameter

  • period (optional): This field expects an integer value expecting the number of months to consider. If period is not passed, then all transactions will be considered.

cURL Sample Request


curl --request GET \
  --url htt \
  --header 'mono-sec-key: string' \
  --header 'accept: application/json'

Request Headers

Include the following header in your request for authentication:

  • mono-sec-key (required): Your Mono secret key.

Success Response

If the initiation request is successful, you will receive the following API response:


    "status": "successful",
    "message": `The income of ${} is currently being 
    processed, and the data will be sent to you through your webhook`,
    "timestamp": "2024-05-21T10:38:02.376Z",
    "data": null

Please note that the Income v2 endpoint takes a bit of time to go through all your transactions in the background. Once the analysis is done, the detailed income report is sent to you via a webhook

Sample Webhook Response


  "event": "",
  "data": {
    "account": "66605869b806c997c5d21234",
    "accountName": "SAMUEL OLAMIDE",
    "accountNumber": "0129141234",
    "income_summary": {
      "total_income": 0,
      "employer": ""
    "income_streams": [
        "income_type": "WAGES",
        "frequency": "VARIABLE",
        "monthly_average": 6532000,
        "average_income_amount": 4450666.67,
        "currency": "",
        "stability": 0.16,
        "first_income_date": "2023-07-25",
        "last_income_date": "2024-05-13",
        "last_income_amount": 3000000,
        "last_income_description": "transfer from piggyvestpiggyvest paystack",
        "periods_with_income": 5,
        "number_of_incomes": 8,
        "number_of_months": 5
        "income_type": "WAGES",
        "frequency": "MONTHLY",
        "monthly_average": 100000,
        "average_income_amount": 100000,
        "currency": "",
        "stability": 1,
        "first_income_date": "2023-06-08",
        "last_income_date": "2023-07-06",
        "last_income_amount": 100000,
        "last_income_description": "testfrm ",
        "periods_with_income": 2,
        "number_of_incomes": 2,
        "number_of_months": 2
    "income_source_type": "BANK",
    "first_transaction_date": "2023-05-26",
    "last_transaction_date": "2024-05-31",
    "period": "12 months",
    "number_of_income_streams": 2,
    "monthly_average": 947428.57,
    "monthly_average_regular": 50000,
    "monthly_average_irregular": 1645500,
    "total_regular_income_amount": 2,
    "total_irregular_income_amount": 8

With the above webhook received, you can proceed to call the income records endpoint to query the income insight report at a later time in the next section.

Income Response Description

Here's a table explaining each unique field in the response of the income record:

statusIndicates the status of the API request, whether it was successful or failed.
messageProvides a message detailing the outcome of the API request.
timestampSpecifies the timestamp of when the API response was generated.
accountThe account id.
income summarymost recent income stream where income type is salary.
total_incomemost recent amount received
employerThe entity or organization from which the income is received.
income_streamsAn array containing details of each income stream, including type, frequency, average amount, stability, and more.
income_typeThe type of income received i.e. SALARY or WAGES.
frequencyThe frequency at which the income is received i.e. MONTHLY or VARIABLE. If the average number of days between the transactions in a stream is ≥ 20 and ≤ 35, then we consider it as monthly, else variable.
monthly_averageTotal income in the stream/number of months
average_income_amountTotal income in the stream / total count of income
last_income_amountLast amount received for the stream
currencyThe currency in which the income is received.
stabilityVariance of transaction amounts in the cluster. Ranges between 0-1
last_income_descriptionTransaction narration for last transaction received for the stream
last_income_dateDate of last transaction received for the stream
periods_with_incomeNumber of months with income in stream
number_of_incomesThe total number of income events recorded.
income_source_typeThe source of income (e.g., BANK).
first_transaction_dateDate of earliest transaction from all the income streams. Format YYYY-MM-DD
last_transaction_dateDate of latest transaction from all the income streams. Format YYYY-MM-DD
number_of_income_streamsNumber of streams Credit transactions are grouped together based on their narration. Each group is called a stream. A stream should have a minimum of 2 transactions
monthly_average_regulartotal monthly average from regular streams / total number of months from regular stream. Regular = stream.stability ≥ 0.6
monthly_average_irregulartotal monthly average from irregular streams / total number of months from irregular stream. Irregular = stream.stability < 0.6
total_regular_income_amounttotal average income amount for regular streams
total_irregular_income_amounttotal average income amount for irregular streams

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