
Account Information

Last updated April 8th, 2024

The Account Details API offers a comprehensive view of various account types, including savings, current, domiciliary, and business accounts. It furnishes crucial information such as the account holder's name, account number, balance in NGN, and the current data availability status. Additionally, it provides specifics about the associated financial institution, covering details like the institution's name, type (e.g., personal banking), bank code, and the authentication method (e.g., mobile banking).

Response Object


    "status": "successful",
    "message": "Request was successfully completed",
    "timestamp": "2024-04-12T06:31:02.289Z",
    "data": {
        "account": {
            "id": "64779d900000000000b3de23aeb8",
            "name": "Samuel Olamide Nomo",
            "currency": "NGN",
            "type": "Digital Savings Account",
            "account_number": "1234567890",
            "balance": 333064,
            "bvn": "0065",
            "institution": {
                "name": "GTBank",
                "bank_code": "058",
                "type": "PERSONAL_BANKING"
        "meta": {
            "data_status": "AVAILABLE",
            "auth_method": "internet_banking"

Account Fields

statusThis returns the status of API call made which could be successful or failed.string
messageThis field returns the API response messagestring
dataThis field returns an object with all the user's account dataobject
data.idThe unique identifier for a connected account which has new or updated transaction datastring
data.nameThe account name of the connected bank accountstring
data.typeThe account type of the connected user E.g 'SAVINGS ACCOUNT', 'CURRENT ACCOUNT'string
data.account_numberThe account number of the connected accountstring
data.balanceThe current account balance of the connected userstring
data.currencyThe curency of the connected user ('NGN', 'GHS', e.t.c)string
data.data_statusThe status of the returned connected data, if it is 'AVAILABLE', 'PROCESSING', 'FAILED'string
data.institutionAll data related to the financial institution of the connected userobject
data.institution.nameThe institution name of the connected accountstring
data.institution.bank_codeThe bank code of the institution name connected to this accountstring
data.institution.typeThe type of banking method for this connected user. E.g 'PERSONAL_BANKING', 'BUSINESS_BANKING' & 'PAYMENT_GATEWAY'string
data.institution.auth_methodThis refers to the authentication method used by user. It returns either,'mobile_banking' or 'internet_banking'string
data.created_atThe time the connected account was createdstring
data.updated_atThe time the connected account was last updatedstring

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