
CAC Lookup Integration Guide

Last updated Feb 15th, 2024


Our CAC Lookup Integration Guide provides developers with step-by-step instructions on how to integrate the CAC (Corporate Affairs Commission) lookup service into their applications. This guide covers six CAC endpoints, which are:

  1. Looking up business/company information.
  2. Retrieving shareholder details.
  3. Checking previous business address.
  4. Retrieving change of name details.
  5. Looking up a secretary.
  6. Looking up directors.

By following this guide, developers can seamlessly integrate these features and access relevant data for business verification and analysis purposes.



To get started, please ensure to:

Integration Steps

Step 1: Look up a Business

To retrieve CAC information pertaining to a business or company, send a GET request to the following endpoint:



Request Query Parameter

  • search (required): Specify the name or RC number of the company you want to look up.

Include this parameter in the query string to indicate the name or RC number of the company you wish to retrieve information.

Request Headers

Include the following header in your request for authentication:

  • mono-sec-key (required): Your Mono secret key.

cURL Sample Request


curl -X GET \
  -H "mono-sec-key: YOUR_MONO_SECRET_KEY" \

Successful Response

If the lookup request is successful, you will receive the following response:


    "status": "successful",
    "message": "CAC lookup successful",
    "timestamp": "2024-05-07T05:38:14.059Z",
    "data": [
            "classification_id": 2,
            "delisting_status": null,
            "company_type_name": null,
            "nature_of_business_name": null,
            "id": 300075,
            "active": true,
            "business_commencement_date": null,
            "registration_approved": true,
            "approved_name": "NOMO MICROFINANCE BANK LIMITED",
            "head_office_address": ", ",
            "objectives": "",
            "registration_date": "1993-08-10T00:00:00.000+00:00",
            "classification": null,
            "branch_address": "",
            "email": "",
            "rc_number": "200004",
            "city": "IKEJA LGA",
            "lga": "",
            "address": "LEKKI PHASE 1",
            "state": "LAGOS"

The response contains the message "Cac lookup successful" along with an array of objects representing the CAC information for the company.

Step 2: Shareholder Details

To retrieve shareholder information associated with a business or company, send a GET request to the following endpoint:



Request Path Parameter

  • id (required): Provide the ID returned from the business lookup response.

Include this parameter in the URL path to specify the ID of the business or company for which you want to retrieve shareholder details.

Request Headers

Include the following header in your request for authentication:

  • mono-sec-key (required): Your Mono secret key.

cURL Sample Request


curl -X GET \
  -H "mono-sec-key: YOUR_MONO_SECRET_KEY" \

Successful Response

If the shareholder details request is successful, you will receive the following response:


    "status": "successful",
    "message": "CAC lookup successful",
    "timestamp": "2024-02-16T07:45:34.130Z",
    "data": [
            "id": 19667380,
            "surname": "SAMUEL",
            "firstname": "OLAMIDE",
            "other_name": "NOMO",
            "email": "",
            "phone_number": "09042658500",
            "gender": "FEMALE",
            "former_nationality": "",
            "age": 0,
            "city": "LAGOS",
            "occupation": "",
            "former_name": "",
            "corporation_name": "NOMO TECHNOLOGIES",
            "rc_number": "1343485",
            "corporation_company": null,
            "state": "LAGOS",
            "pobox": null,
            "accreditationnumber": "",
            "is_lawyer": null,
            "last_visit": 0,
            "form_type": "International Passport",
            "is_presenter": null,
            "is_chairman": false,
            "num_shares_alloted": null,
            "type_of_shares": "",
            "date_of_birth": null,
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "date_of_termination": "2021-04-21T23:00:00.000+00:00",
            "date_of_appointment": "2021-04-21T23:00:00.000+00:00",
            "date_of_change_of_address": null,
            "former_address": null,
            "former_postal": null,
            "former_surname": "",
            "former_first_name": "",
            "former_other_name": "",
            "date_of_status_change": null,
            "identity_number": "C08923468",
            "identity_issue_state": null,
            "other_directorship_details": null,
            "portal_user_fk": null,
            "affiliates_fk": null,
            "process_type_fk": {
                "id": 6564,
                "name": "COMPANY_REGISTRATION",
                "description": "Company Registration",
                "amount": 1,
                "type": null,
                "product_id": "5252348309",
                "bank_code": "29230"
            "company": null,
            "same_person_as_fk": null,
            "nature_of_app_or_discharge": null,
            "is_designated": null,
            "end_of_appointment": null,
            "appointed_by": null,
            "date_of_deed_of_discharge": null,
            "date_of_resolution": null,
            "country_fk": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "NIGERIA",
                "code": "NIGERIA"
            "country_of_residence": null,
            "is_carried_over_from_name_avai": null,
            "lga": null,
            "corporation_registration_date": null,
            "is_company_deleted": null,
            "government_organisation_name": null,
            "foreign_organisation_name": null,
            "company_street_address": null,
            "company_state": null,
            "company_city": null,
            "is_corporate": null,
            "county_of_incorporation_fk": null,
            "nationality": "NIGERIA",
            "address": " NUMBER 13, VICTORIA ESTATES, LEKKI ",
            "postcode": "",
            "street_number": "",
            "affiliates_residential_address": 345689,
            "affiliates_psc_information": 12347380,
            "legal_owners_of_interests": [],
            "legal_owners_of_voting_rights": [],
            "stock_exchange_soes": [],
            "approved_for_notice_of_psc": null,
            "company_address2": "",
            "full_address2": "NUMBER 13, VICTORIA ESTATES, LEKKI ",
            "affiliate_type_fk": {
                "id": 5678,
                "name": "SECRETARY_COMPANY",
                "description": "SECRETARY_COMPANY"

The response contains an array of objects representing the shareholder details associated with the business or company.

Step 3: Previous Address

To retrieve the previous address of a business or company, send a GET request to the following endpoint:



Request Path Parameter

  • id (required): Provide the ID returned from the business lookup response.

Include this parameter in the URL path to specify the ID of the business or company for which you want to check previous address details.

Request Headers

Include the following header in your request for authentication:

  • mono-sec-key (required): Your Mono secret key.

cURL Sample Request


curl -X GET \
  -H "mono-sec-key: YOUR_MONO_SECRET_KEY" \

Successful Response

If the previous address request is successful, you will receive the following response:


    "status": "successful",
    "message": "CAC lookup successful",
    "timestamp": "2024-02-14T13:51:49.364Z",
    "data": {
        "approved_name": "NOMO TECHNOLOGIES  LIMITED  ",
        "previous_address": "THE PLACE, 256 VI ISLAND, LAGOS)",
        "street_name": "Prof adeboye street ",
        "city": "lekki g.r.a",
        "submission_date": "2022-05-09T22:47:27.075+00:00",
        "approval_date": "2023-05-11T06:24:20.586+00:00",
        "id": 3349720,
        "state": "LAGOS"

The response contains data on previous address(es) associated with the business or company.

Step 4: Change of Name

To retrieve the Change of Name details a business or company, send a GET request to the following endpoint:



Request Path Parameter

  • id (required): Provide the ID returned from the business lookup response.

Include this parameter in the URL path to specify the ID of the business or company for which you want to check change of name details

Request Headers

Include the following header in your request for authentication:

  • mono-sec-key (required): Your Mono secret key.

cURL Sample Request


curl -X GET \
  -H "mono-sec-key: YOUR_MONO_SECRET_KEY" \

Successful Response

If the change of name request is successful, you will receive the following response:


    "status": "successful",
    "message": "CAC lookup successful",
    "timestamp": "2024-02-15T14:32:23.045Z",
    "data": [
            "persist_master_id": 20014,
            "new_name": "NOMO MICROFINANCE BANK LIMITED",
            "former_name": "MONO MICRO FINANCE BANK LTD  ",
            "approval_date": "2023-11-02T14:50:13.949+00:00"
            "persist_master_id": 20013,
            "new_name": "NOMO MICROFINANCE BANK LIMITED",
            "former_name": "MONO MICRO FINANCE BANK LTD",
            "approval_date": null

The response contains an array of objects containing all business names associated with the business or company.

Step 5: Lookup a Secretary

To Lookup the secretary a business or company, send a GET request to the following endpoint:



Request Path Parameter

  • id (required): Provide the ID returned from the business lookup response.

Include this parameter in the URL path to specify the ID of the business or company for which you want to lookup the secretary details

Request Headers

Include the following header in your request for authentication:

  • mono-sec-key (required): Your Mono secret key.

cURL Sample Request


curl -X GET \
  -H "mono-sec-key: YOUR_MONO_SECRET_KEY" \

Successful Response

If the secretary lookup request is successful, you will receive the following response:


    "status": "successful",
    "message": "CAC lookup successful",
    "timestamp": "2024-02-16T07:45:34.130Z",
    "data": [
            "id": 19667380,
            "surname": "NOMO",
            "firstname": "SAMUEL",
            "other_name": "OLAMIDE",
            "email": "K@NOMO",
            "phone_number": "09042658500",
            "gender": "FEMALE",
            "former_nationality": "",
            "age": 0,
            "city": "LAGOS",
            "occupation": "",
            "former_name": "",
            "corporation_name": "NOMO TECHNOLOGIES TECHNOLOGIES",
            "rc_number": "1343485",
            "corporation_company": null,
            "state": "LAGOS",
            "pobox": null,
            "accreditationnumber": "",
            "is_lawyer": null,
            "last_visit": 0,
            "form_type": "International Passport",
            "is_presenter": null,
            "is_chairman": false,
            "num_shares_alloted": null,
            "type_of_shares": "",
            "date_of_birth": null,
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "date_of_termination": "2021-04-21T23:00:00.000+00:00",
            "date_of_appointment": "2021-04-21T23:00:00.000+00:00",
            "date_of_change_of_address": null,
            "former_address": null,
            "former_postal": null,
            "former_surname": "",
            "former_first_name": "",
            "former_other_name": "",
            "date_of_status_change": null,
            "identity_number": "C08923468",
            "identity_issue_state": null,
            "other_directorship_details": null,
            "portal_user_fk": null,
            "affiliates_fk": null,
            "process_type_fk": {
                "id": 6564,
                "name": "COMPANY_REGISTRATION",
                "description": "Company Registration",
                "amount": 1,
                "type": null,
                "product_id": "5252348309",
                "bank_code": "29230"
            "company": null,
            "same_person_as_fk": null,
            "nature_of_app_or_discharge": null,
            "is_designated": null,
            "end_of_appointment": null,
            "appointed_by": null,
            "date_of_deed_of_discharge": null,
            "date_of_resolution": null,
            "country_fk": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "NIGERIA",
                "code": "NIGERIA"
            "country_of_residence": null,
            "is_carried_over_from_name_avai": null,
            "lga": null,
            "corporation_registration_date": null,
            "is_company_deleted": null,
            "government_organisation_name": null,
            "foreign_organisation_name": null,
            "company_street_address": null,
            "company_state": null,
            "company_city": null,
            "is_corporate": null,
            "county_of_incorporation_fk": null,
            "nationality": "NIGERIA",
            "address": " NUMBER 13, VICTORIA ESTATES, LEKKI ",
            "postcode": "",
            "street_number": "",
            "affiliates_residential_address": 345689,
            "affiliates_psc_information": 12347380,
            "legal_owners_of_interests": [],
            "legal_owners_of_voting_rights": [],
            "stock_exchange_soes": [],
            "approved_for_notice_of_psc": null,
            "company_address2": "",
            "full_address2": "NUMBER 13, VICTORIA ESTATES, LEKKI ",
            "affiliate_type_fk": {
                "id": 5678,
                "name": "SECRETARY_COMPANY",
                "description": "SECRETARY_COMPANY"

The response contains details about the secretary(s) associated with the business or company.

Step 6: Lookup the Directors

To lookup the director of a business or company, send a GET request to the following endpoint:



Request Path Parameter

  • id (required): Provide the ID returned from the business lookup response.

Include this parameter in the URL path to specify the ID of the business or company for which you want to lookup the directors

Request Headers

Include the following header in your request for authentication:

  • mono-sec-key (required): Your Mono secret key.

cURL Sample Request


curl -X GET \
  -H "mono-sec-key: YOUR_MONO_SECRET_KEY" \

Successful Response

If the directors lookup request is successful, you will receive the following response:


    "status": "successful",
    "message": "CAC lookup successful",
    "timestamp": "2024-02-14T13:42:07.629Z",
    "data": [
            "id": 6706910,
            "surname": "SAMUEL",
            "firstname": "OLAMIDE",
            "other_name": "NOMO",
            "email": "",
            "phone_number": "",
            "gender": "MALE",
            "former_nationality": "",
            "age": 56,
            "city": "",
            "occupation": "",
            "former_name": "",
            "corporation_name": "",
            "rc_number": "",
            "corporation_company": null,
            "state": "LAGOS",
            "pobox": null,
            "accreditationnumber": "",
            "is_lawyer": null,
            "last_visit": 0,
            "form_type": "International Passport",
            "is_presenter": null,
            "is_chairman": null,
            "num_shares_alloted": 1,
            "type_of_shares": "ORDINARY",
            "date_of_birth": "1995-05-05T23:00:00.000+00:00",
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "date_of_termination": null,
            "date_of_appointment": null,
            "date_of_change_of_address": null,
            "former_address": null,
            "former_postal": null,
            "former_surname": "",
            "former_first_name": "",
            "former_other_name": "",
            "date_of_status_change": null,
            "identity_number": "A0345456618",
            "identity_issue_state": null,
            "other_directorship_details": "",
            "portal_user_fk": null,
            "affiliates_fk": null,
            "process_type_fk": {
                "id": 6564,
                "name": "COMPANY_REGISTRATION",
                "description": "Company Registration",
                "amount": 1,
                "type": null,
                "product_id": "511111119",
                "bank_code": "25670"
            "company": null,
            "same_person_as_fk": null,
            "nature_of_app_or_discharge": null,
            "is_designated": null,
            "end_of_appointment": null,
            "appointed_by": null,
            "date_of_deed_of_discharge": null,
            "date_of_resolution": null,
            "country_fk": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "NIGERIA",
                "code": "NIGERIA"
            "country_of_residence": null,
            "is_carried_over_from_name_avai": null,
            "lga": null,
            "corporation_registration_date": null,
            "is_company_deleted": null,
            "government_organisation_name": null,
            "foreign_organisation_name": null,
            "company_street_address": null,
            "company_state": null,
            "company_city": null,
            "is_corporate": null,
            "county_of_incorporation_fk": null,
            "nationality": null,
            "address": "40, BUHARI CRESCENT GRA",
            "postcode": "",
            "street_number": "",
            "affiliates_residential_address": null,
            "affiliates_psc_information": 67364910,
            "legal_owners_of_interests": [],
            "legal_owners_of_voting_rights": [],
            "stock_exchange_soes": [],
            "approved_for_notice_of_psc": null,
            "company_address2": "",
            "full_address2": "39, KOLA AMODU CRESCENT MAGODA GRA, LAGOS",
            "affiliate_type_fk": {
                "id": 7516,
                "name": "SHAREHOLDER",
                "description": "SHAREHOLDER"

The response contains an array of objects detailing all directors associated with the business or company.

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