NIN Lookup Integration Guide
Last updated July 9th, 2024
This lookup service allows you to verify comprehensive information associated with a National Identification Number (NIN). This guide will walk you through integrating this service into your application, giving you the ability to access and verify important NIN-related details seamlessly.

To get started, please ensure to:
- Sign up on the Mono Dashboard.
- Create an App and fetch the generated Secret Key.
Integration Steps
Step 1: Make a NIN Lookup Request
To retrieve NIN-related information, send a POST request to the following endpoint:
Request Body Parameters
(required): Provide the National Identification Number (NIN) for the lookup.
Include this parameter in the request body to specify the NIN number for the lookup.
Request Headers
Include the following header in your request for authentication:
(required): Your Mono secret key.
cURL Sample Request
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "mono-sec-key: YOUR_MONO_SECRET_KEY" \
-d '{
"nin": "NIN_NUMBER"
}' \
Step 2: Process the Response
Upon successful NIN lookup, you will receive detailed information about the individual associated with the provided NIN, including birth details, contact information, marital status, religion, and more.
"status": "successful",
"message": "NIN Lookup Successfull",
"timestamp": "2024-02-28T15:00:20.917Z",
"data": {
"birthcountry": "nigeria",
"birthdate": "01-01-1990",
"birthlga": "Lagos Mainland",
"birthstate": "Lagos",
"educationallevel": "tertiary",
"email": "",
"employmentstatus": "employed",
"firstname": "WIGO",
"gender": "m",
"heigth": "150",
"maritalstatus": "single",
"middlename": "SAMUEL",
"nin": "09876543212",
"nok_address1": "3B MICHAEL WISDOM STREET",
"nok_address2": "",
"nok_firstname": "AISHA",
"nok_lga": "Lagos Island",
"nok_middlename": "",
"nok_postalcode": "",
"nok_state": "Lagos",
"nok_surname": "AGBA",
"nok_town": "FESTAC",
"ospokenlang": "",
"pfirstname": "",
"photo": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgAAAQABAAD/pYH//Z",
"pmiddlename": "",
"profession": "ENGINEER",
"psurname": "",
"religion": "islam",
"residence_address": "2A MUSA ADE STREET",
"residence_lga": "Ogba",
"residence_state": "Lagos",
"residence_town": "OGBA",
"residencestatus": "birth",
"self_origin_lga": "",
"self_origin_place": "",
"self_origin_state": "",
"spoken_language": "YORUBA",
"surname": "MUSA",
"telephoneno": "08012345678",
"title": "mr",
"userid": "",
"vnin": "",
"central_iD": "123456",
"tracking_id": "ABC0DEFG5000XYZ"
NIN Validation (alternative)
We understand that there are cases where users are unable to verify their NIN due to forgetting or the inability to access the number at the point of verification. Our NIN endpoint also allows users to validate their NIN existence using their registered phone number.
cURL Sample Request
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "mono-sec-key: YOUR_MONO_SECRET_KEY" \
-d '{
}' \

Validation vs. Verification
Please note that this feature is solely for NIN Validation, not Verification. This means that the response simply returnes the user's name and date of birth. Other fields like address and Photo ID are null in the response.
In cases where the user is unable to provide their NIN you can prompt your customers to enter their registered phone number instead to validate their NIN.