Lookup Mashup API Integration Guide
Last updated April 12th, 2024
Our Lookup Mashup API allows you to verify both the NIN, BVN and date of birth of the user in one single API call. This guide will walk you through the process of integrating this service into your application, allowing you to retrieve relevant KYC details seamlessly.

To get started, please ensure to:
- Sign up on the Mono Dashboard.
- Create an App and fetch the generated Secret Key.
Integration Steps
Step 1: Make a Mashup Lookup Request
To verify and retrieve KYC information about a user, send a POST request to the following endpoint:
POST https://api.withmono.com/v3/lookup/mashup
Request Body Parameters
(required): The field expects the NIN of the user.bvn
(required): The field expects the BVN of the user.date_of_birth
(required): The date of birth of the user in this format YYYY-MM-DD eg. 1960-10-01
Include these three parameters in the request body to specify the nin, bvn, number and date of birth for the lookup.
Request Headers
Include the following header in your request for authentication:
(required): Your Mono secret key.
cURL Sample Request
curl --request POST \
--url https://api.withmono.com/v3/lookup/mashup \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{"nin":"string", "bvn": "string", "date_of_birth": "string"}'
Step 2: Process the Response
If the mashup lookup request is successful, you will receive the following response:
"status": "successful",
"message": "Lookup Successful",
"timestamp": "2024-05-10T12:26:18.235Z",
"data": {
"personal_information": {
"title": null,
"first_name": "SAMUEL",
"middle_name": "NOMO",
"surname": "OLAMIDE",
"gender": "MALE",
"dob": "01-09-1991",
"birth_country": "nigeria",
"birth_state": null,
"birth_lga": "Kosofe Lagos",
"marital_status": "SINGLE",
"email": "samuel@nomo.co",
"telephone_no": "07012345678",
"occupation": "STUDENT",
"lga_of_origin": "YABA",
"state_of_origin": "LAGOS",
"watch_listed": null
"identification_numbers": {
"nin": "12345678901",
"bvn": "22227777222"
"residence_information": {
"address": "LEKKI PHASE 1",
"town": "Ikeja",
"lga": "Ikeja",
"state": "Lagos",
"residence_status": null
"biometrics": {
"photo": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgAAAQABAAD/"
The response contains detailed information about the information of your user including residence information, picture and also personal information that are relevant for KYC.