

Last updated May 19th, 2022


Mono uses Webhooks to communicate updates on transaction objects initiated with our API for you to kick off additional workflows based on these events. Each time an event that you listen to occurs, Mono submits a POST request to the designated Webhook URL with information about the event transactions.

Configure Webhook

Your endpoint should respond to webhooks as quickly as possible. To acknowledge receipt of a webhook, your endpoint must return a 2xx HTTP status code. This status code should only indicate receipt of the message, not an acknowledgement that it was successfully processed by your system. Any other information returned in the response headers or response body is ignored.


All Webhook requests are sent with a mono-webhook-secret header for verification. It should match the secret you passed when creating the webhook.


// example js implementation
const secret = process.env.MONO_WEBHOOK_SEC;

function verifyWebhook(req, res, next) {
  if (req.headers['mono-webhook-secret'] !== secret) {
    return res.status(401).json({
      message: "Unauthorized request."
}'/webhook', verifyWebhook, (req, res) => {
  const webhook = req.body;
  switch(webhook.event) {
    case "":
    // do something with;
  return res.sendStatus(200);

Retries and Failure

In a case where Mono was unable to reach the URL, all the webhooks will be retried. Webhook URLs must respond with a status 200 OK or the request will be considered unsuccessful and retired.

Sample webhook format

The JSON payload below is a sample response of a webhook event that gets sent to your webhook URL. You should know that all webhook events across Mono Connect, Directpay and Issuing all follow the same payload format as shown below.

eventThe name or type of webhook event that gets sent. Please note that each event type is prefixed with e.g
dataThe payload of the webhook event object that gets sent.


// Webhook payload
  event: '',
  data: {
    meta: { data_status: 'AVAILABLE' },
    account: {
      _id: '5fbcde8f8699984153e65537',
      institution: [Object],
      accountNumber: '0018709596',
      type: 'SAVINGS_ACCOUNT',
      currency: 'Naira',
      bvn: '9422',
      balance: 3033984,
      created_at: '2020-11-24T10:21:03.936Z',
      updated_at: '2020-11-24T10:21:13.050Z',
      __v: 0

Webhook URL Setup

To easily add a Webhook URL for service monitoring, the following steps below will walk you through how to do so.

Step 1: Ensure you have an already created application on your dashboard and navigate to the desired app page.

Step 2: Locate the Add webhook button at the bottom of your screen to display the webhook modal.

Step 3: At this point you can your web URL that will be stationed to receive live webhook events from Mono.

Financial Data Webhook Events

Payment Initiation Webhook Events

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